Extra Magic Hours At Disney World Explained


One of the perks of being a Walt Disney World resort guest is the ability to enjoy Extra Magic Hours.

What are Extra Magic Hours?

Each day, a park or two, depending on the season, is open either an extra hour in the morning or extra hours at night. This is a time when guests of the resorts can spend extra time in the parks, with fewer people and shorter wait times for attractions. You must have a Magic Band (RFID chip), proving you are a Disney Resort guest.

Since the Extra Magic Hours (EMH) option was introduced in 2005 there have been varying opinions as to its benefits. Many sites will recommend using Extra Magic Hours to their full advantage. Just as many sites will recommend that you avoid Extra Magic Hours at all cost.

I recommend something in between.

When is the best time to take advantage?

The best time to take advantage of Extra Magic Hours (EMH) is in the morning. My husband will argue that I say this because I am a morning person. Okay. Yes. I am. I own my sunny disposition with pride. But think about it. If you arrive at the gates, minutes before the park opens (as I always recommend), you are entering the park with the fewest number of guests of the day. When we take advantage of this, we can knock out 1/2 the park before it truly gets busy.

Of course, this isn’t always an attractive option if a) you’re not morning people, b) you’ve stayed out late the night before and c) the park is opening at an ungodly hour. Getting my group moving at 5:30 am to make a 7 am EMH is not my family’s idea of fun. You know your party best. You make the call based on your schedule and the personalities involved.

EMH at night + holiday lights = extra time to enjoy the decorations.

What about evening EMH?

The evening Extra Magic Hours can be a little trickier. If the park closes for the regular population at midnight, that means, theoretically, the park could be open until 3 am. This is great for my husband and daughter. Not so much for me and my sons. Most times, however, EMH in the evening is a bit more reasonable. Just make sure that your plans for the next day do not require an early start.

What are the parks like on an EMH day?

Parks can get really crowded on an EMH day. You need to plan accordingly.

The only time of day I recommend avoiding a park that has EMH is mid-day. Statistically, this will be the absolute busiest time of day for that park. The early morning people are still there, the regular guests have flooded the park and the evening people are just getting started.

Are all the rides available during Extra Magic Hours?

Not always. Don’t expect every attraction to be open during your Extra Magic Hours. High profile attractions are typically open, less popular rides are not. You can check at the information kiosk for specifics that day, or you can visit the Disney site for a calendar so you can know ahead of time. Knowing what will be open before you arrive will enable you to get the most out of your visit.

If you have any specific questions or would like me to help you plan, please feel free to comment below or email me!

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